Fact vs Imagination
Fact vs Imagination
Trenton Abell, Elgin Anders, Deontae Battle, Benjamin Bibro, Brian Borash, Sean Brown, Xavier Cobb, Deja Dickerson, Kameron Doleman, Zachary Duvall, Derek Fenwick, Danielle Gay, Dayton Gilbert, Isaiah Holley, Victoria Jarrett, Kaylee Joyner, William Lile, Shaunquan Mitchell, Shawn Stafford, Karlee Thomas, Marissa Thompson, Malcom Wells, Richard White, Andrew Ziegler, Eastern High School students October 2012
The purpose of comparing science to religion concerns learning how science works, so that future scientists will continue to base their decisions on experimental evidence. If science fiction or unproven principles begin to be taught as theory or law, then science becomes religion and this is very dangerous to science. The goal is to prevent this from ever happening.
To point out the comparisons and contrast of science and religion you would have to understand both first. Science is all fact. Religion is a belief that is taught by your family culture. Science is a theory until proven. Science is all fact and can be tested by experiments. Religious beliefs are things that people think are real but actually isn’t proven. Some cultures beliefs are bigger than facts. Christianity believes that God created everything and we don’t have the super natural powers to test it. The reason that science and religion differ is that science is aimed at understanding the natural world with all that can be sensed with facts.
A hypothesis can be proven wrong. Science has determined that the universe can be either finite or infinite. Scientific law has to be generally accepted to be considered true. The goal of science is to prevent waste, by determining the best method to use the resources available on the planet. Science evaluates a problem and can change a theory or law to correct the problem.
In some places religion is the only thing they practice. Religion is something you believe in whether it’s true or not. Religious beliefs can’t be proven. Religion usually has rules that have to be followed. Religion can be difficult to abide by and create new followers. Religion has different structures or chain of commands. Religion promotes accountability, since certain religions promote reincarnation based on following certain rules that lead to a better second life. In other religions, following certain rules can gain the believer access to heaven. Religion doesn’t deny all science, some religions believe in the Big Bang theory. Most if not all religions are based on fallible writings. In a finite universe there would be no accountability because everything is interchangeable.
When a crime occurs, who you going to call? Most people are going to call the Police. Police carry equipment to scientifically test for blood, drugs, finger prints, and gather photos to document the crime scene. Religion helps promote accountability by teaching rules and consequences for not following them.